About the Warrior

The Warrior is a student-produced newspaper serving Penn-Trafford High School and the surrounding community. The purpose of this publication is to inform the student body and faculty of worldwide, local and school news in an unbiased and fair manner.

The Warrior also serves as an open forum to the high school community. We encourage students and faculty to respond in writing to the contents of the newspaper. The Warrior also reserves the right to edit letters and any quotes from interviews used in published stories not for content, but for grammatical mechanics, before publication. Any student or faculty member who wishes to submit a piece to The Warrior has the right to keep their identification unknown when the newspaper is printed but is required to submit the name to the advisor and Editorial Board, whose members are Abby Dreistadt, Mia Williams and Annabelle Aquino, for copyright purposes. Signed letters to The Warrior may be submitted to faculty sponsor Jason Wawrzeniak, to any staff member or via our Twitter account (see Staff Info Box). Any photographs published in this newspaper will be printed with the consent of the photographer. The Warrior also reserves the right to use the assistance of artificial intelligence for the editing process but all published stories will reflect the thoughts and opinions of the authors involved without significant AI involvement.

The views expressed in any column or opinion article are those of the author and not necessarily of the Editorial Board, advisor, staff, administration, school board or student body.

The Warrior makes a promise to its readers that in any non-editorial work centered around a Penn-Trafford High School club or sport, the author of the piece will not be someone personally affiliated with that organization (i.e a member of that sports team or an officer of that club). This is to ensure that all work published by The Warrior will be fair and unbiased.  

The Warrior exercises its right to freedom of expression and press, which is outlined in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This means that The Warrior holds the right to publish works centered around topics that they believe concern Penn-Trafford High School and its surrounding community without censorship from the administration, advisor(s), or school board. The Warrior does not have the right to publish works that contain unprotected speech, or any libelous, obscene, unnecessarily disruptive of the school process, unwarranted invasion of privacy, or a violation of copyright in published works.

Each printed edition of The Warrior will be available to all students, faculty and administrators in Penn-Trafford High School through a year-long subscription which will be distributed through homeroom teachers and/or interschool mail. This subscription is a one-time purchase of $2 that can be bought any time after initial sales begin. All articles will also be available to all students, faculty and administrators in Penn-Trafford High School and any person interested in reading The Warrior on our website, theptwarrior.com.

The Warrior’s advisor is Jason Wawrzeniak, who teaches English, creative writing and journalism. He offers advice on writing, editing and ensuring all work is done ethically and correctly. However, the general editorial decisions (such as which stories we do and do not publish) are up to the student staff, namely the Editorial Board. 

We handle stories about death with care, making sure to handle the topic with respect; we focus on sharing accurate information while being sensitive regarding the feelings of those affected by the loss.

We use social media, like our Instagram and website (theptwarrior.com), to engage with the general public, specifically to let them know when a new issue of The Warrior is available.

(Credit to Whitney Update, from which some of these policies were derived).