Mrs. Wukich gives a closer look inside Penn-Trafford’s mock trial

     Penn-Trafford’s mock trial competition was held late last month. Gifted teacher Christina Wukich answers some questions regarding the yearly event and how it works. 

     This trial was about, in Wukich’s own words, “a rivalry ending in larceny.” This case was particularly new, so she and her students did not know much about it and are “still learning what the case is about.”

     Wukich had said that her favorite part was seeing her students evolve, stating that her students are intimidated at first, but as the class progressed, the students became more confident and “strong lions.” 

     The topics of the trials are different each year. These can include business, criminals and rivalry. The cases are all sent by the PA Bar Association to every high school in Pennsylvania each November. The teams in the school district compete with one another. The team who wins goes to regional, then the winning team goes to state but they only send one member to compete. 

Although these are only a few answers to our many questions, we received an inside look from Wukich about the mock trial and our team.