Q&A: New biology teacher arrives at P-T

   Michael Bowen is a biology teacher that was recently hired at Penn-Trafford High School. The Warrior spoke to him about his experiences.

     Q. What subject do you teach?

     A. I teach Biology for ninth grade.

     Q. Why did you want to teach at Penn-Trafford? 

     A. It’s close to my home and my dream place to teach.

     Q. What got you interested in teaching?

     A.I didn’t ever like to be hidden and always liked to stick out and I felt in a good position to teach and help students with things

Michael Bowen is a new biology teacher.

     Q. How do you like teaching here? 

     A. Yes, I love it.

     Q. Do you like teaching? 

     A. Yes.

     Q. What parts of teaching do you like/dislike? 

     A. I really enjoy creating new lessons, but I don’t like lecturing and just telling people things. 

     Q. If you did not teach biology, what subject would you want to teach?

     A. I love the medical field so either Health or Anatomy

     Q. What is your favorite part of biology?

     A. Everything connects to each other and tries to show all parts of science and how they all work together.

     Q. What is your least favorite part of biology?

     A. Stuff that is difficult to see and stuff you can’t really see.

     Q. How long have you been teaching for? 

     A. I’ve been teaching for eight years now.

     Q. Did you teach anywhere before here? 

     A. Yes, I taught at Elizabeth Forward [School District].

     Q. Do you like biology?

     A. Yes I really like it. 

Mia Rutherford, Staff Writer