On Thursday, Feb. 9, the students of the cast finished learning choreography for “Positoovity” and rehearsed the songs “Under the Sea” as well as “Kiss the Girl.”
Before dancing and singing, the cast gets on stage, stretches, and does vocal warm ups taught by Bev Rubright, the musical director. The show will feature an orchestra pit, which she is also the director of.
Jacob Dietz, a junior who will star as Prince Eric, explained what it’s like to be center-stage.
“It’s a big commitment but the part is fun. I love the songs Eric sings, and overall it’s a fun musical and I’m very excited to see how it turns out,” Dietz said.
Kody Hynes-McCutcheon, a junior at P-T, said, “I love the rehearsal process and hanging out with my friends.”
Behind the scenes, P-T’s sculpture classes and the stage crews have painted beautiful sets and props, including colorful coral pieces that sit on the edge of the stage and the famous boat from “Kiss the Girl.”
The Little Mermaid is freshman Zachary Conte’s first high school musical. He is the assistant stage manager, and has assisted in past Penn Middle school productions backstage as well.
“It’s a lot of pressure being a freshman and being told to boss around upperclassmen. Being in charge of other people causes stress but is fun to be able to be in the drama guild. It’s a great experience,” Conte said.
The cast, crew and producers are looking forward to everyone seeing the show. The Little Mermaid will take place on the weekends of March 24 to26 and March 31 to April 1st, and 2. Tickets will be $15 for adults, $12 for senior citizens/students and anyone under four is $10.