- Captain America
Captain America is a strategist with immense superhuman strength. He does not have the most power prowess, but his affiliations and ability to lead the Avengers showed that you do not need insane abilities to be powerful.
- Hulk
Hulk is strong, nearly indestructible, and can leap for bounds — not to mention he has immense intellect from his Bruce Banner alter ego. Hulk might not have the ability to distort reality, but he has the most channeled destructive energy in the MCU.
- Thor
The son of Odin has strength and Mjolnir his patented hammer from Norse mythology. He is known as the heavy hitter of the Avengers. The No. 8 and 9 spot is interchangeable as both have been shown to push each other to the limit. There tag team action in Ragnarok showed that despite Hulk’s indestructible and powerful body, Thor has the same insurmountable power.
- Iron Man
The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist has an impressive resume. With multiple suits for almost all situations, Stark is a strategist. He ranks lower on this list due to some of his personal demons and hot-headedness.
- Loki
The schemer of amazing bounds with trickery unmatched, Loki may not be the physical dominating anti-hero, but he holds his own. One-on-one, someone like the Hulk would pummel Loki, but he works long-term. Never truly losing to the Avengers, Loki always thinks four steps ahead.
- Groot
Unkillable with a heart of gold, Groot is something of a mystery, because he cannot die given his nearly limitless regeneration. Despite this, Groot seems to be short of using his strength to the full potential. He could possibly be a big power player if he presents his more impressive abilities.
- Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch has displayed some incredible abilities. Able to alter minds and produce red orbs of powerful energy, along with telekinetic and molecule manipulation abilities, Scarlet Witch is powerful but has yet to unlock her full abilities displayed in the X-Men series. Eventually, Scarlet Witch will be one of the most powerful heroes in all of Marvel.
- Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange can control time with knowledge of all things magical, and power to even technically “thwart” Dormammu, Lord of the Realm of Darkness, using his intellect. Strange has just recently been added to the MCU, but he has gained an immense amount of power. As he probably has the most experience with gods and relics, he could be very valuable when talking about the infinity stones.
- Vision
He is the Infinity Stone of the Mind. Vision can alter and distort the minds of the others and shoot physic beams. He is indestructible and might be one of the only ones who has the power of an infinity stone.
- Thanos
Supreme dean villain, wielder of a majority of the infinity stones and known in the comics as “The Mad Titan” with almost limitless strength, there is a reason he is the main antagonist of “Infinity War.” Thanos proves to be one of the greatest threats to Earth, and will require the efforts of most, if not all, of the formerly mentioned vigilantes to get taken down. Thanos controls time and space with the infinity stones, and although he does not have all of them (thanks to Vision), Thanos has a potentially unlimited power to alter reality.
Correct ranking
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1 Dormammu
2 Thanos
3 Vision
4 Dr Strange
5 Scarlet Witch
6 Thor
7 Hulk
8 Loki
9 Iron Man
10 Groot
Kaiden Ciongoli
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Despite Dormammu immense strength in the comics, I feel like he was severely drained of his abilities in the MCU. Thanos of course is much higher than all of the cast, it is his movie before even seeing it. My list was made prior to the movie drop, and if anything would change it would have to be Vision not even on the list. Ironman would have been top tier, and Scarlet Witch would have ranked lower. I think to officially confirm power rankings however, we really need part two to see who is coming out with new abilities and drives.
Correct ranking
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HM to War machine, Heimdal & Valkyrie
Can’t remember what Thanos children/Generals are called but they’re probably up there too.
Kaiden Ciongoli
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When I compiled this list I considered Heimdal, but I felt that Ragnarok painted Heimdal as more a weak leader of leaderless Asgard. Valkyrie is a rather powerful force, but I saw her as much weaker than much of the main cast. Thanos’ children were something I was not aware of during the ads of the movie, they for sure would have made it somewhere on the list. (Maybe about Vision after his rather lackluster role)