After the change of procedures made for the Library, now called the Media Center, students were not shy to voice their opinions. Most wish that the rules would have never changed and that the school would have stuck with what they have grown accustomed to.
Senior Micah France said, “Now it’s finally done and we are being issued that we can’t be in here. It doesn’t make sense.” France added that the new rules “only benefit the teachers and make the library less hectic for them.”
France isn’t the only one thinking that way. Junior Luke Deglmann is also a believer that the old library rules were better.
“I am not too fond of the the new rules. Sometimes I have to use the computers, and now I can only come down a few days unless I have a pass.” There are no computers in any of the study hall rooms such as the LLA or Auditorium for students such as Deglmann to use.
When it comes to getting work done, students are not entirely sure whether the rules will help that.
Freshman Tony Zona, although he sees the reasons for the change, said, “I think you need to go to the library to work with a partner and help each other get work done.”
Not all students think that same way, though. Junior Olivia Wentroble said that the new library situation will help kids get more their work done more efficiently.
“I think there will be benefits from the new setup, but we still should be able to use it every day if we want, because then there is more work getting done,” said Wentroble.
Teacher Matt Bilinsky has a different view on the new rules. “They will make the Media Center great again.” said Bilinsky.
Bilinsky also said, “There are more students getting work done in their study halls because of less socialization.
Most students seem to prefer the old rules because of the ability to work with a friend, access computers and because they are accustomed to them.